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Speaking & Keynotes

Amanda has extensive experience delivering in person or on-line conference keynotes in leadership, for example, advocating for women and diversity in leadership, and for mindfulness to support leaders to be present, compassionate and caring. Amanda seeks to engage  her audience, imparting research while also going to the heart of what matters to people.


Meditation and mindfulness

Amanda has had a meditation practice since 2004. Since completing her meditation teacher training she has included meditation and mindfulness in many of the leadership and teaching programs in which she is involved. She has also taught 6 week meditation courses to adults and has taught yoga and meditation to young people, including kindergarteners (the best class ever and a lot of fun!)

As part of her programs and teaching Amanda also shares knowledge of the latest research in mindfulness and related cognitive and neuroscience fields and how they can inform life in organisations and leadership.


Developing and delivering leadership programs in organisations

Amanda has designed and delivered programs to a wide range of audiences from emergency service workers, health and legal practitioners, to teachers and environmental leaders. These programs are tailored to industry and contextual factors. They are co-designed with clients and undertaken collaboratively with colleagues and other industry experts.

Collaborations with Christine Nixon AO and others at the Australian and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG):

ANZSOG Women Leading the Public Sector program

Collaborations with Richard Searle on searleburke.com

See Richard’s podcast where Amanda reflects on her work over several decades, especially changing leadership to promote women.


Team & Leadership Consulting

Amanda has over 30 years’ experience consulting to organisations on leadership, teamwork, managing change, promoting women and diversity in leadership. She has worked with organisations and leadership teams across a wide range of sectors - in corporate, medical and hospital, police, school, union, judicial, university, government and local government. She has designed bespoke interventions to help executive teams perform at their best while also developing compassionate and caring cultures.